Twitch Chat Commands Twitch Developers

The Complete List of Twitch Commands

twitch chatbot commands

Functioning as the primary or sole chatbot, Lyn provides extensive customization and functionality. Customizing StreamElements is effortless as it is hosted in the cloud. The bot has numerous commands, timers, modules, and spam filters, allowing you to use it immediately after activation. If you are looking for a Twitch bot with many features, Streamlabs is a great choice. Streamlabs is not cloud-based and needs to be downloaded to your computer.

The huge added benefit is that things like cooldown time and other values can be changed from outside of the script, without having to touch the script at all. Python has native random methods but they don’t seem to play well with SC. We’re going to functionality that SC provides, namely Parent.GetRandom(int min, int max) to return a value between 0 and 100. Give your viewers dynamic responses to recurrent questions or share your promotional links without having to repeat yourself often.

all Command

These are often created by a chatbot that the channel owner has connected to their account. A free Twitch bot service, Wizebot ensures a secure streaming. This bot manages, monitors and secures video streaming. It offers a multitude of tools and possibilities for viewers and live streamers. This chatbot consists of a robot that can scan chats, give display notifications for subscription, follows and more.

twitch chatbot commands

Content (str) – The content you wish to send as a message. Channels (Union[List[str], Tuple[str]]) – The channels in either a list or tuple form to part. Channels (Union[List[str], Tuple[str]]) – The channels in either a list or tuple form to join. This method handles commands sent from chat and invokes them.

Every Twitch Chat Command You Need to Know

Commands are a great way to increase engagement on a stream and to answer some of the reoccurring questons that take place on a stream. You could also use the command response to give a few more reasons why someone should sub. Viewers who watch your stream regularly will often wonder, “How long have I been watching this stream for? If you plan on doing a giveaway, and want to spare yourself from having to answer 1,000 question, then you might want to add a ! This is the exact string that Streamer.Bot is monitoring chat for.

  • As technology is constantly evolving, these bots are regularly enhanced to make them more stable and feature rich.
  • A special event called when the oauth token expires.
  • The moderator or editor you choose will be able to enter your channel or game and add all your streamlabs chatbot commands.
  • Twitch Channel Points will now be created when you create/edit a new Twitch Points command in Lumia.
  • With that 3.10 syntax in mind, we could also replace that None for another type.

Read more about here.

Is Moobot or Nightbot better?

Moobot and Nightbot serve similar functions, so it is best if you choose one and stick with it. The choice of which to use is entirely down to your personal preference.

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