Travel and Hospitality Software: Product Design and Development

Melco is utilizing AWS to enhance the guest experience, increase staff productivity, speed up time to market, and improve revenue streams. Learn how brands around the world are achieving a digital transformation to better serve guests while saving on time and costs. We empower travel agencies with robust platforms that help increase bookings, eliminate human […]

What Is Test Report

This consists of details such as the lessons the team has learned during the current testing cycle and a list of issues that need particular attention. This is followed by information about the work of the testing team in ensuring the application’s quality. test report definition Also, it details the list of enhancements the company […]

Definition Of Test Reporting

Items with low discrimination indices are often ambiguously worded and should be examined. Items with negative indices should be examined to determine why a negative value was obtained. For example, a negative value may indicate that the item was mis-keyed, so that students who knew the material tended to choose an unkeyed, but correct, response […]

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